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原标题:How do I efficiently store and query a raw JSON stream in MongoDB?

我愿通过Twitter或《纽约时报》在蒙戈亚高效地储存原始的JSON溪流,以便我随后能够将数据(纽约时报或Tweets/用户名称)与卢塞恩或霍多普数据进行索引。 在Mongo保存数据的方法是什么? 我是否应该坐在“智者”的管道中,或者是否有更好的管道? 我只用一台机器安装了3台复印机。




This totally depends on what kind of queries you need to make and what the usage pattern of your application will be. It would be pretty simple to store each tweet in a Mongo Document containing: sender, timestamp, text, etc. Depending on what queries you need to make, you will need to create indexes on these fields (more info: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Indexes)

For full text search, you could tokenize/parse/stem the text of the tweets and store an array of tokens with each tweet which you can index to make queries on it fast. If you need more powerful full text search features, you could also index them with Lucene and store the objectId in each lucene document - but this introduces the complexity of essentially having 2 data stores




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