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原标题:embedding python error on initialization

当使用C码时,使用花板功能时,Py_Initialize()出现错误。 错误为: 没有一个称为网站的单元。 Ive试图将Py_SetProgramName(argv[0])投入使用,但努力工作。 厘米度的电话是通用测验。


我不得不冒着与PATH env-var以及PYTHONPATH的比照,以便使事情在植树时更好。


So, I suggest you find where python is installed locally (this is available in the registry on Windows machines) and use setenv to set PATH and PYTHONPATH to something appropriate. That would be the python.exe directory for PATH (as in your comment above), as well setting PYTHONPATH to the dir with your own python code and related libraries that you re running from the embedding exe.

然后是Py_Initialize,看是否发生了正确的事情。 如果你需要修改PYTHONPATH,然后进行初步化,利用PySys_SetPath(SetPath)修改ys。


I was having the same problem (Windows, both with Visual Studio and MinGW/g++), and I solved it by adding to PYTHONPATH the path to site.py. For some reason, launching python.exe was possible even without it, and sys.path did contain that path (even when PYTHONPATH did not), and I could "import site", but Py_Initialize was not able to do the same thing that python.exe did.

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