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Handle multi Form Submission through ActionFilterAttribute mvc3.net
原标题:Handle Multiple Form Submission via ActionFilterAttribute mvc3.net

I am trying to handle multiple form submissions by writing an ActionFilter. I am new to the domain of ActionFilters and dont know where to start any help will be much appreciated. I have looked at this question but couldnt get a starting point

• 如何处理多份提交书服务器——


我将为此使用反forgery。 你们本应该已经产生(如果你愿意易受欧洲常规武装力量的攻击),而且它对于每一种产生的形式都是独特的。

  1. look in form collection for antiforgery token
  2. look into session["LastFormToken"] (or whatever key you like) - if this form (token) already been submitted
  3. if yes, drop the request, if no (form is submitted first time), put it in session (so next time it will be found there and request will be dropped)

I would like to suggest an answer. Here is the code

public class ValidateSubmitOnceTokenAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public String ErrorView { get; set; }

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        String submitOnceToken = null;
        submitOnceToken = filterContext.HttpContext.Request[ViewHelper.SubmitOnceIdentifier];
        if ((bool)filterContext.HttpContext.Session[ViewHelper.SubmitOnceIdentifier + submitOnceToken])
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(View))
                filterContext.Result = new EmptyResult();
                ViewResult newView = new ViewResult();
                newView.ViewName = ErrorView;
                filterContext.Result = newView;
            filterContext.HttpContext.Session[ViewHelper.SubmitOnceIdentifier + submitOnceToken] = true;

public partial class ViewHelper
    internal const string SubmitOnceIdentifier = "_SUBMIT_ONCE_";

    public static MvcHtmlString SubmitOnceToken()
        Guid submitOnceToken = Guid.NewGuid();
        HttpContext.Current.Session[SubmitOnceIdentifier + submitOnceToken] = false;
        return new MvcHtmlString("<input type="hidden" name="" + SubmitOnceIdentifier + "" value="" + submitOnceToken.ToString() + "">");


    public ActionResult MyAction(Model) {




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