English 中文(简体)
B. 如何使最低规模的氯环乙烷列入框架
原标题:How to have the minimum size possible Chromium Embedded Framework dlls

Chromium Embedded Framework(http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembe/)是好的。 我只用它显示Delphi代码产生的静态超文本、联合材料和共同支助事务。



  • I need HTML support
  • I need JavaScript support.
  • I need CSS support.
  • I need Unicode support.
  • I need OnNavigate event.


  • I don t need D3D, GDI+, GLES support.
  • I don t need ability to load a web page. LoadString is enough for me.
  • I don t need Locales
  • I don t need Caching
  • I don t need Developer Tools


目前,CEF有40种 MB。


根据需要的特点,你只能从某些档案/文件中删除。 我尝试并可以排除这些障碍:

  • avcodec-53.dll
  • avcodec-54.dll
  • avformat-53.dll
  • avformat-54.dll
  • avutil-51.dll
  • ffmpegsumo.dll
  • libEGL.dll
  • libGLESv2.dll
  • cef.pak
  • chrome.pak
  • devtools_resources.pak



关于减少CEF的图书馆规模,需要全面重建,并需要一些缩编阶段。 根据今天的计算机动力和网络带宽,花费了大量时间,也许不值得使用——40个甲基溴是小的。 而我则依靠欧洲紧急部队的“官方”释放,以保持最新版本的浏览器。


The trick I ve used is that the .dll files are stored as zip inside the main .exe, then uncompressed on a private temporary folder on the hard drive (you may want to use the same folder, but it won t work in C:Program Files due to the Vista/Seven UAC, and your user may wonder where all those files comes frome - that is the reason why I use a private folder).

From the user point of view, there is just one executable file to run. All .dll files are compressed within, and you can also add some non-binary resources to the files (which is not possible with exe/dll compactors). An hidden folder is created and used to load the libraries (which must be loaded with LoadLibrary(), not statically linked), and decompression will be done only once (therefore it will be faster than using an exe/dll compressor).

例如,我用它把藏书图书馆和英文字典植入我们的Syn Project工具。 法典如下:

constructor THunSpell.Create(DictionaryName: string=  );
var Temp, HunSpell, Aff, Dic: TFileName;
    i: integer;
  if DictionaryName=   then
    DictionaryName :=  en_US ;
  Temp := GetSynopseCommonAppDataPath;
  HunSpell := Temp+ hunspell.dll ;
  with TZipRead.Create(HInstance, Zip , ZIP ) do
    Aff := DictionaryName+ .aff ;
    if not FileExists(Temp+Aff) then
    Dic := DictionaryName+ .dic ;
    if not FileExists(Temp+Dic) then
    if not FileExists(HunSpell) then
      StringToFile(HunSpell,UnZip(NameToIndex( hunspell.dll )));
  fHunLib := SafeLoadLibrary(HunSpell);
  if fHunLib=0 then
  if not LoadEntryPoints then begin
    fHunLib := 0;
  fDictionaryName := DictionaryName;
  fHunHandle := Hunspell_create(pointer(Temp+Aff),pointer(Temp+Dic));
  if fHunHandle=nil then

See this link about details and source code.

您可考虑使用一些低水平的黑板,如BTMemory Module,但你得起任何可能的压缩。

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