我有这一(native)COM服务器,请打电话N.dll,其中从一个有管理的大会中打过一部分APIC,请打电话M.dll。 为此,存在一种混合型的DLL,可以相互连接;请打电话MM.dll。 三个DLs(N、M和MM)居住在同一个DLL公司,而COM服务器显然适当注册。
I m using the M.dll assembly with a using directive in MM.dll.
#using "M.dll"
using namespace M;
如今,这一通信服务器可以通过任何申请进行即时运行,并居住在系统的任何地点。 这显然符合一切权利。 但是,一旦N需要从M(通过MM)打电话,我就会收到<条码>。 (未处理例外:系统.IO.FileNotFoundException: 不能装载文件或组装M, FCCC/SBI/2008/8。 该系统无法找到具体档案。
If I copy the M.dll assembly to the same folder where the executable is, then everything works fine. However, this is not a solution, since there can be a lot of apps consuming the COM server, and I cannot deploy M.dll to all those places. And I also cannot do something with a config file for the process, for the same reason. I need a way to tell the mixed-mode MM.dll module to load the managed assembly from the same folder where it is located.