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原标题:Generics or just use overloads?

我有3个班级,都拥有类似的财产。 在所有3个类别中,3个财产的名称完全相同。 相反,这3种方法(每类一种方法)是我在此可以采用某种方式?

public static String GetAString(ActivityMedia activityMedia)
   return activityMedia.name;

public static String GetAString(AuditMedia auditMedia)
   return auditMedia.name;

public static String GetAString(VehicleMedia vehicleMedia)
   return vehicleMedia.name;


  1. introduce interface with a single string Name property
  2. mark all three classes by interface
  3. Now you can assess media Name directly I ve no idea why you need a method for this but anyway, you can create extension method for the interface type IMedia
interface IMedia
    string Name { get; }

class ActivityMedia : IMedia
class AuditMedia : IMedia
class VehicleMedia : IMedia

static class MediaExtensions
   public static string GetName(this IMedia instance)
          return instance.Name;


public interface INameable
   String Name { get; }

public static String GetAString(INameable nameable)
   return nameable.Name;



public interface INamedMedia
    string Name { get; }

then your method becomes

public static String GetAString(INamedMedia media)
    return media.Name;


public class Media : INamedMedia
    public string Name { get { return "Media"; } }


public interface IMedia
    public String Name { get; }

and then you could have your static method taking that interface type as it s parameter:

    public static String GetAString(IMedia media)
        return media.Name;



http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/dipenlama22/Inheritance_Versus_Interfaces071420060431AM/Inheritance_Versus_Interfaces.aspx”rel=“nofollow”article 或许可以提供帮助

如果它们完全没有关系,则一种选择是使用<代码>dnamic。 (如果您重读C# 4):

public static String GetAString(dynamic d){
    return d.name;



public static string GetAString(object o)
    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo name = o.GetType().GetProperty("name");
    return (string) name.GetValue(o, null);


ActualMedia,AuditMediaVehicleMedia 要么实施基调,如<代码>IMedia,要么产生一个基本类别,如<编码>MediaBase。

然后,您只读到<代码>GetAString,接受<代码>IMedia 反对或MediaBase


如果这些阶层没有共同的祖先,他们会在这里获得帮助。 解决办法是,通过申报与<姓名/代码>财产接口,安排他们分享共同祖先财产。 每个班级都实施这一接口,然后可以有一个单独的<代码>GetAString功能。


public class ActivityMedia : Media 


public class Media
     public string Name {get;set;}

这样,这三类方法就在一个地方界定了一套方法,使法典更加易于维护。 在给予你灵活的情况下,可以将特定类别方法用于其衍生的执行。




public class Media
    // consider all properties that are common
    // on Media domain
    public string Name { get; set }

并继承ActectiveMedia,AuditMedia,VehicleMedia from Media

public class ActivityMedia : Media
    // other properties on ActivityMedia domain

public class AuditMedia : Media
    // other properties on AuditMedia domain

public class VehicleMedia : Media
    // other properties on VehicleMedia domain


public static String GetAString(Media activityMedia)
   return activityMedia.name;

public static String GetAString(Media auditMedia)
   return auditMedia.name;

public static String GetAString(Media vehicleMedia)
   return vehicleMedia.name;

This is where inheritance comes to your rescue. Have such base class:

public class Media
    public string name { get { return "Media"; } }


public class ActivityMedia : Media
    public new string name { get { return "Activity Media"; } }


public static String GetAString(Media media)
    return media.name;


public static String GetAString(object media)
    PropertyInfo propName = media.GetType().GetProperty("name");
    if (propName != null)
        return propName.GetValue(media, null);
    return "";

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