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原标题:Difference between assigning a string literal to a char array at declaration vs to a char pointer?
  • 时间:2021-08-08 22:46:02
  •  标签:
  • c


#include <unistd.h>

int main()
    char buffer[8] = "Hello 
    write(1, buffer, 7);
    return 0;


#include <unistd.h> 

int main()
   char buffer[8];
   char *ptr = buffer;
   ptr = "Hello 
   write(1, ptr, 7);
   return 0;


#include <unistd.h> 

int main()
   char buffer[8];
   char *ptr = buffer;
   ptr = "Hello 
   write(1, buffer, 7);
   retrun 0;


I m guessing there is something fundamentally wrong in my underst和Cookies政策,ing of the relationship between pointers 和Cookies政策, arrays in c ...



 char buffer[8];      // You re allocating 8 bytes: OK
 char *ptr = buffer;  // You re aliasing "ptr" to "&buffer[0]": OK
 ptr = "Hello 
";    // Now you re ASSIGNING ptr to a completely DIFFERENT address
 write(1, buffer, 7); // You never actually assigned any data to buffer


 char buffer[8];      // Allocate 8 bytes
 char *ptr = buffer;  // Aliasing "ptr" to "&buffer[0]"
 strcpy(ptr, "Hello 
"); // Now you ve actually assigned data
 write(1, buffer, 7); /. You should no longer see "garbage" ;)

换句话说,这个问题不是“指针与数组” ,而是“正确初始化您所指向的任何内容”。



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