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原标题:Why does apache hold offsets into memory where php-cli holds virtual memory addresses?

I m debugging php。 在寻找我知道地址点的记忆地点时,我看到点名——例如22810408(0x08048122)——这是在使用CLI版本(php)时。

HOWEVER, when I m using apache2 and attempting to do the same thing, I don t see a pointer to the real address. Instead, I see an offset from the ELF header that when added to the address of the ELF header, gives me the "real" address. For example, if the "real" address was 0x08048122, and the ELF header was at 0x08048000 then I would see 22010000 (0x122) at this same position.

当我试图勾画“真实的”地址时,问题就会出现。 所谓“real”地址是0xbfccxx,但在增加我发现的ELF负责人人数时,事情只会增加! 我拿到所有错误的地址。


So, what I m essentially looking for is more information on WHY Apache has an offset instead of a real memory address, and how this all relates to addresses on the stack. Could anyone give me any pointers to material that might clarify?


阿帕奇利用<代码>mod_php, a ,与生动力学有关的共享目标图书馆(so)。 见。 是什么样子?。 如PHP-CLI是被冻结的APIC(可起诉的)的前端。

mod_php在身边装上,利用被冷却的APIC,将PHP的档案汇至藏身处。 你可以在这里看到许多间接看法。 这种方法比允许使用PHP作为mon或类似.,更好和更快。

当PHP脱硫时,你通常的工作水平要大大高于这一水平,因为即使你获得抵消权;PHP数据类型不是C的数据类型(由于PHP的 d打)和联系阵列和物体的数据类型与C物体的相差很大。

我建议你使用specialized PHP debugger至 debug PHP应用程序。

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