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Scala: 可否指明采用某种方法的通用类别
原标题:Scala: Is it possible to indicate a generic class which implements a certain method

我认为,用一个简单的例子来解释这一点比较容易。 (帮助重写标题是受欢迎的;-)



class EnhancedInt(x: Int) { def squared = x * x }

implicit def IntToEnchancedInt(x: Int) = new EnhancedInt(x)


scala> class EnhanceAny(x: AnyVal) { def squared = x * x }
<console>:7: error: value * is not a member of AnyVal
       class EnhanceAny(x: AnyVal) { def squared = x * x }



Think about it. Multiplication have different properties on different objects. Integer multiplication, for example, is associative and commutative, scalar multiplication is not commutative. And multiplication on floating point numbers... But, of course, you can have what you want with trait or with "trait and implicit" construction which resembles a typeclass.

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