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原标题:Octave refuses to deal with the strings i pass to csvread()
  • 时间:2012-01-13 02:56:40
  •  标签:
  • octave

因此,我正在撰写一份十月文稿(我相对不懂语言),我正试图打开两卷剪辑,把我的名字交给我的文字,作为指挥线。 这里是我的文字:

    #!/usr/bin/env octave

    function plotregs(fig, regs)
      title( Foo );
      xlabel( Value );
      ylabel( Cycle # );
      grid on;

      plot(rows(regs(:, 1)), regs(:, 1),
           rows(regs(:, 2)), regs(:, 2),
           rows(regs(:, 3)), regs(:, 3),
           rows(regs(:, 4)), regs(:, 4),
           rows(regs(:, 5)), regs(:, 5),
           rows(regs(:, 6)), regs(:, 6),
           rows(regs(:, 7)), regs(:, 7),
           rows(regs(:, 8)), regs(:, 8));

      legend( A ,  B ,  C ,  D ,  E ,  F ,  H ,  L );

    args = argv ();
    filename = strcat(cellstr(args(1)));
    typeinfo filename
    regs = csvread(filename);


    plotregs(1, regs);

    filename = strcat(cellstr(args(2)));
    regs = csvread(filename);

    plotregs(2, regs);


And here is the output I get when I run the script:

    ans = sq_string
    error: dlmread: FILE argument must be a string or file id
    error: called from:
    error:   /usr/share/octave/3.4.3/m/io/csvread.m at line 34, column 5
    error:   /home/tnecniv/Code/Octave/regigraph/regigraph.m at line 25, column 6





#!/usr/bin/octave -qf


$ ./myscript.sh datafile1.csv datafile2.csv

But in my opinion argv() behaves a bit strange, because when no arguments are given to -say myscript.sh-, it returns the filename of the executing script, but when one or more arguments are given it contains the arguments only.


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