English 中文(简体)
原标题:List widget is invisible in BlackBerry

下面是我的黑莓设备法的刀子。 它是一个有3个物品的清单。 问题是,在一开始,只有所有权在我的黑莓模拟器中可见,3项物品是看不见的。 这项调查基于j2me polish。 我在《手册》中找不到一些东西。

de.enough.polish.ui.List transTypeList = new de.enough.polish.ui.List("", List.IMPLICIT);
        //  transTypeList.setInfo("View Transaction Status. Select the Transaction Status to view details.");
            System.out.println("Setting Title");
            transTypeList.setTitle("View Transaction Status. Select the Transaction Status to view details.");
            //#style list1
            transTypeList.append("Processed Transactions", null);
                //#style list1
            transTypeList.append("Un-Processed Transactions", null);
            //#style list1
            transTypeList.append("Rejected Transactions", null);


            System.out.println("Setting Title");

            //#style nameTicker
            currentItem = "transTypeList";





ListField transTypeList=new ListField(ListField.HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS);

//Write what you want according to blackberry methods;

add(transTypeList);//without adding field to the screen you didn t get anything;



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