Database Version : 10g Enterprise Edition Release
客户版本:11g 企业版第11.版(窗口7 64bit)
When I try to export (exp) a table from database: exp usr/pass@remote_db file=f.dmp tables=table
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 904 encountered
ORA-00904: "POLTYP": invalid
identifier EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
I know this question was answered earlier (the answer is "install 10g client to use its exp utility"), but I still didn t understand correctly:
甲骨文10g客户10.2.0.4对此是否ok? 我是否需要设立国家航天中心等?
If I use the previous command to export the DB will the system automatically use the Ora10g client exp tool?