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原标题:Consultation on APEX and Cloud [closed]


for the first department "Registration and billing " there will be form which contains the details of the patient and then the billing part will contain the entry fee and then if the patient goes to Dr then goes to pharmacy his details should be there in the pharmacy page where the medicine that he is going to buy will be added to his profile and then print the receipt.


  1. Can apex do this project.
  2. Can I use the bar code to get the product details.
  3. Can I add figure print machine for the employees attendance.
  4. Can I integrate apex with some pages from JSP in case if I have dynamic module needs more control driven mechanisms.

3. 与11gXE和云层有关的问题:

  1. Can I use apex and 11g xe for free and install them in server in my organization? If yes, so What are the limitations ?
  2. If am going to deploy it on cloud shall they will use Oracle 11g XE or Oracle SE or EE, or it depends on my request ?
  3. If I greed to start apex and I would like to deploy it on cloud is there any requirements , like Do I have to first contact Oracle and ask them to give me the login to apex on cloud and work remotely , Or Can first develop it here in my machine and then contact oracle and deploy it on cloud .

If apex is not recommended for such projects please tell me before I start , and I will replace it with Java EE6

  1. Can apex do this project.


  1. Can I use the bar code to get the product details.

客户与客户之间的交流与网络应用有条不紊。 http://code.google.com j Query plug-in to负责聆听和捕获条码扫描仪的输出”。 但这将是该项目中最困难的部分。

  1. Can I add figure print machine for the employees attendance.

缩略语 贵族人民党能做吗?

  1. Can I integrate apex with some pages from JSP in case if I have dynamic module needs more control driven mechanisms.

根据违约,Apex从数据库的http服务器中操作。 如果你想把贾瓦服务器页包括在内,你需要一个单独的网络服务器,而你的架构只是变得更加复杂。 好消息是,Apex能够支持非常复杂的互动,因此,你需要JP的机会很小。

  1. Can I use apex and 11g xe for free and install them in server in my organization?

是的。 关于限制,我建议使用

  1. If am going to deploy it on cloud shall they will use Oracle 11g XE or Oracle SE or EE, or it depends on my request ?

什么云层? “cl”只是远距离托管的一般术语。 但一般而言,云层问题就是要选择。 而且,铭记甲骨质许可证仍然适用:当你部署Oracle SE或EE时,你将需要向Per CPU发放许可证,这样,如果你放弃像AWS Elgal云这样的灵活做法,就会谨慎。

  1. If I greed to start apex and I would like to deploy it on cloud is there any requirements

同样,什么是乌云? 甲骨质没有接收器具,因此,你为什么需要与它们联系? 。 摘录更多

(OTN do ,但仅用于评价 实际操作,甚至开发生产系统。


你的原始问题使SO的任务变得紧张,而SO是一个方案拟订地点。 你的后续问题完全是次要的,因为这些问题主要是商业问题,因此,对大多数问题的答复是“取决于”。


  • budget
  • available skill set
  • privacy and data protection compliance
  • number of users
  • amount of data
  • usage profile
  • complexity of application
  • on-site facilities
  • reliability and availability requirements

如果你不知道如何分析这些因素,并利用这些因素来评估建筑解决办法,那么你就应当雇用能够雇用的一些人。 这一工作在时间、时间、时间、时间或时间上进行衡量,超出了你合理期望人们在Q&(A)地点做的工作。




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