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原标题:Parsing and removing text with cmd or powershell

I ve checked quite a few other questions here but was unable to find what I need. I am currently trying to automate the process of finding out what VMs are in what Hyper V servers. Here is my current script.

@echo off
set /P dc= "Which DC do you want? " 
dsquery computer -name %DC%VUT* > dsquery.txt
type dsquery.txt | findstr /v IMAGINGOU | findstr /v OTHEROU > dsquery2.txt
powershell -command Get-Content dsquery2.txt | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace  "CN= , "" } | Set-Content dsquery3.txt
powershell -command Get-Content dsquery3.txt | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace  ,OU=CAM,OU=Exchange,OU=Server,DC=RED001,DC=local" , "" } | Set-Content serverlist.txt
powershell -command .Get-HyperVMod.ps1 -file output.csv

The problem I have hit is the servers that I can do dsquery from (Win2k3) can t do the ForEach-Object because they have an older version of Powershell and the Win2k8 servers that can do the ForEach-Object can t do a dsquery.



Output should be




run this against your dsquery.txt, it will parse what you need.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
::Echos your Computer Name only.
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==," %%G IN (dsquery.txt) DO echo %%H

基本上,它使用了两个不同的轨道:即“=”和“,”即刻在服务器名称上。 仅看第二点。 它根据你上述指示开展工作。

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