English 中文(简体)
原标题:For a 64 bit OS, is memory leakage still relevant?

如果你有64位仲裁员,你就有一个几乎无限制的地址空间。 因此,我的问题是,这些系统能否释放记忆问题? 即便你在需求量计时计划(只是在触动时才会带上门),与解放记忆相比,你会得到的很少间接费用是几页额外的短片,因为记忆不会影响很长一段时间,就会自动消失。 我在这里找不到什么东西? 我的论点是否有效?



overhead ... is a few extra page swaps ... as memory ... will automatically be swapped

自动转移到什么地方? 否 档案是无限的,其储存也是有限的。



我认为,这里的关键词是“虚拟”——其定义 down到“事实上” 你的记忆空间实际上不是无限的。 随着记忆的不断增多,所有变化都是你对记忆管理可负担的应用范围。

如果你重新撰写“世界之声”,你肯定会留下你的记忆。 几天后,你可以(可证明是)拿不到一小 app,无法管理自己的记忆。 但是,如果你写出一个装置驱动器或服务单,只要运行系统运转良好......,我就不必每周放下一台生产机器,以人工清理任何其他人留下的记忆。


If all programs stop to release memory block because of performance reasons, you will see what happens.


地址空间似乎实际上有限,但任何现有计算机的实物储存肯定是吨位。 浏览页仍然需要磁盘空间和CPU+I/O时间处理。


此外,如果你想要知道如果申请停止释放记忆会发生什么情况,那么,仅仅看一看一项只是泄露/使用记忆的申请,而不是断然拒绝予以释放。 例如,在我的8个基于性别的暴力制度下,在几个小时的禁制活动之后,很快将上升到3个以上。 我甚至不想想象,如果不把任何记忆放开,这个数字会怎样高。

现在可以想象的是,有10份申请同时做同样的事情——我一说,在我的台式系统中没有30英镑的实物或虚拟记忆。 如果我的系统已经只剩下一个例子,那么我担心你提议的情景会发生什么情况。

If you think the worst thing that can happen when not free()ing memory is a crash, you should consider what happens when:

  • You can t allocate a socket buffer and you have to start dropping packets.
  • You experience performance drops (always, as you always leak) from thrashing.
  • You probably can t produce debug/diagnostic logs and/or messages anymore.
  • You run out of file descriptors.

底线是,不给你分配记忆。 它拯救了你的安宁。

If you have a 64 bit OS, you have an address space of virtually unlimited size



And I mean limited as follows:
In the example of 4GB you mention, if no process frees memory and continues requesting new memory, the OS will start to use the HD for swaping virtual pages.

You will have page faults and access to HD which will incur a heavy performance overhead to the process and to the whole system if this happens for all processes running (following the aproach you think is ok).
As a result, for the user to have a "usable" system, he would have to buy more and more RAM.
How do you think a user would react if you said, your system is not responsive but you just have to buy more RAM e.g. 16GB or 32GB or .....

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