English 中文(简体)
2. 显示光线图像
原标题:Colorize a grayscale image

我有一张需要用5种颜色的梯度来描述的光线图像。 轻型粉碎机应当从梯度中取出更光明的颜色,黑暗的颜料应更黑暗。

If the gradient starts with yellow and ends with red, then white pixels would be yellow and black pixels red with everything in between along the gradient.



What you want is in the simplest case a linear interpolation between 5 points in 3d. A direct color gradient between two colors {r1,g1,b1} and {r2,g2,b2} is, as you would walk onto the line in 3d which connects the points {r1,g1,b1} and {r2,g2,b2}. When your gray-values are in the interval [0,1], then you would want to have the color {r1,g1,b1} if you have a gray-level 0 and {r2,g2,b2} if you have a gray-level 1. The question is how to calculate the colors in between:

考虑简单的学校病媒分析。 c1 点{r1,g1,b1}, c2为{r2,g2,b2}。 1. 着手处理1项病媒,并朝着2c1:

* E/CN.6/2009/1。



Remenber, gray必须位于间隔[0,1]。 否则,你就不得不重新进行。 这在两点之间是简单的直线干涉,当然可以延伸到你们想要的众多肤色。

对5个颜色而言,这种办法基本相同。 这里有5种随机选择的颜色:

{{0.273372, 0.112407, 0.0415183}, 
 {0.79436,  0.696305, 0.167884}, 
 {0.235083, 0.999163, 0.848291}, 
 {0.295492, 0.780062, 0.246481}, 
 {0.584883, 0.460118, 0.940826}}



  1. 如果你想有某种光彩价值,你首先需要提取两个环绕点。 例如,如果你希望有光线0.1的颜色,那将是第一个和第二点。

  2. 根据您在梯度中使用的颜色重新计算其光度值。 看看图像,有5个颜色,有4个不同的2点干涉间隔。 当你想进行上述彩色公式工作时,你必须重新计算每张彩色的光价,以达到[0,1]。

Remark: This is of course not the solution for the implementation in C#, but your question suggested, that creating a color-image of the same size was not your problem. Calculating the color-values for each gray-value is the key for your colorization.




  • grayscale value 0 (black) maps to red, which is Color.FromArgb(255,0,0)
  • grayscale value 255 (white) maps to yellow, which is Color.FromArgb(255,255,0)


  1. Set the Red component to 255
  2. Set the Blue component to the original gray value (0 - 255)
  3. Set the Green component to 0


byte[] bytes = getImageBytes();
Color[] colors = new Color[bytes.Length];  

for(int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
    colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(255, bytes[i], 0);



你可以简单地把光线图像的所有粉碎,并掌握其光彩和阿尔法价值(简言之,使用LINQ)。 然后,你带上了你所希望的颜色,并利用了它的威爱和饱和布。

Now you create a new color by taking the Gray.Alpha, Color.Hue, Color.Saturation and a combination of Gray.Brightness and Color.Brightness and apply this color to the pixel in the grayscale image.



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