我把我自己在开放的GL ES 2.0的斜线上 co下来,以便更好地了解这一开放式车辆是如何运作的。 穿透镜,显示其有外缘的模型,就象一个药店。 仅略微说明:我用指数缓冲。
真正的问题是绘制地图。 由于你略微看到下面几处下降,我的文.已经勾画了应该怎么办。
v -75 75 -50
v 75 75 -50
v -75 -75 -50
v 75 -75 -50
vt 0 0
vt 0 1
vt 1 1
vt 1 0
f 4/3 3/2 1/1
f 2/4 4/3 1/1
Now, when I position the vertices in OpenGL ES 3D space and try to map the texture coordinates to each individual vertex, the mapping goes wrong. I could fix this by moving around some of the texture coordinate values but I realise this isn t the way to do it. I also tried to edit some of my .obj exporter settings to flip axises and/or uv mapping around but non of them result in a correct mapping. Is there something I m missing in my theory concerning the .obj file format? One thing I might say already: I read yesterday that the coordinate system of the .obj format defines topleft as the anchor point of a texture. So I fixed that already in my parsing.
Here s a small summary with the current situation: Update: the coordinate system of the texture is the actual .obj texture coordinate system and NOT OpenGL s coordinate system. I translate the coordinates in my parsing algorithm to counter this.
https://i.stack.imgur.com/FW4e1.png” alt=“Summary”/>