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原标题:Is there better syntax for simple if, assigning variable

我的法典基本上在一种情况下分配变量,而在另一种情况下则有所不同。 是否有更高效的 ne子?

I.e.,不走这么多条线。 或者,这种最好的方式?

 if (ViewBag.Date != RoomBooking.StartDateTime.Date || ViewBag.DayPlannerStartTime * 12 > (Int32)RoomBooking.StartDateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes / 5)
            StartBlock = ViewBag.DayPlannerStartTime * 12;
            StartBlock = ((Int32)RoomBooking.StartDateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes / 5);


StartBlock = (ViewBag.Date != RoomBooking.StartDateTime.Date || ViewBag.DayPlannerStartTime * 12 > (Int32)RoomBooking.StartDateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes / 5)
    ? ViewBag.DayPlannerStartTime * 12
    : ((Int32)RoomBooking.StartDateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes / 5);

http://www.un.org。 你们也可以稍微优化条件。 我怀疑您的<代码>DayPlannerStarttime的表述是第二版,如果我右边可以改写以下方式(我只将<代码>和>;的操作者按12条分列;< 代码>TotalMinutes>,按5*12分列成为):

ViewBag.DayPlannerStartTime > (Int32)RoomBooking.StartDateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalHours

Yes, you can use the ?: operator to create a single expression that will evaluate to the first expression if the condition is true, or else to the second expression:

// condition ? first_expression : second_expression;
var value = (something that is true or false) ? value if true : value if false;

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