English 中文(简体)
原标题:Android - Loading a different Layout depending on value selected from a Spinner


然而,我如何看待这一问题,以便按照从胎盘中挑选的价值展示出不同的布局。 如果说的话只是为了第一次选择而努力的话,则我目前正在尝试使用任何其他错误(申请突然停止......)。 部队关闭:

    String RefType = getIntent().getStringExtra("REFTYPE");
    if (RefType.equals("spinner_value_1"))
    else if (RefType.equals("spinner_value_2"))


增 编


I imagine the error would be because you d be trying to set the contentView twice, so you could try this:
Add int layoutToLoad = 0;*(change here) to the top of your class, this will help us determine what to load. Then in your onCreate:

if (layoutToLoad == 0)
    setContentView(R.layout.choiceLayout); //whatever the layout with the spinner is
    //alternatively you can make the spinner via code  
else if (layoutToLoad == 1))
else if (layoutToLoad == 2))

当时,你重新处理你的选择 选编:

String RefType = getIntent().getStringExtra("REFTYPE");
if (RefType.equals("spinner_value_1"))
    layoutToLoad = 1;
else if (RefType.equals("spinner_value_2"))
    layoutToLoad = 2;

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