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实体框架——第一守则或可能的模式? [复制]
原标题:Entity framework - code first, or maybe model? [duplicate]
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Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
EF 4.1 Code-first vs Model/Database-first

i made some research, but answers did not satisfy me. I started my own asp.net mvc application with entity framework, to work with database. I started by making a db, than i create model from that database. Well i know thats called "model-first". I know the second way, of doing it from school (code first). My lecturer told me today, that model-first method is rly outdated. Well is that true? Or maybe: does code-first have any advantage? Whats the real difference, which one is better, in your opinion?



这实际上取决于该项目。 如果将db作为申请的核心处理,或者你正在使用db特定特征,而不是首先采用的模式。

如果将域模型视为应用的核心,则将 d作为持久性储存的一种形式,而代之以法则是实用的。

作为一个附带说明:这一概念通常称为模式一(域/代码)和(b)第一(db schema)。 这与电子格式有些混淆,因为模型指的是db schema,而不是域模型和代码指的是代码。

第一行根本就没有过时。 事实上,对许多公司项目来说,这些项目为前进道路提供了便利。


Entity Framework provides: 1)Database first, 2)Model first and 3) Code first. 1 & 2 Creates the edmx file Database first: Entity Data Model(edmx:StorageModels) is created from an existing database. Model first: Conceptual Data Model(edmx:ConceptualModels) is created with designer and mappings specified. Database will be generated from this. Code first: Create your .NET classes(no .edmx file). Database will be generated from this.

旧学校将使用ADO。 NET DataSet/DataTable.

Fastest data access is using DataReader and writing your own data access. No framework will be faster than using a DataReader to populate your own POCOs.

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