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A. 寻找可见的纽芬兰
原标题:Finding a visible button

i "stole" the code from http://improve.dk/archive/2007/04/07/finding-specific-windows.aspx

而不必写上阶级名称、名称和处理,而是想检查某个州是否明显。 并且如果能够看到纽子,则希望尽量扩大窗口。

i 改变这一部分=和;

    private static bool foundWindow(int handle)    
        bool buttonCheck = false;
        IntPtr hButton = FindWindowEx((IntPtr)handle, IntPtr.Zero, "AfxWnd90u21", null);
        if (hButton != IntPtr.Zero)
            buttonCheck = true;

        if (buttonCheck)
            ShowWindowAsync(handle, (int)3); // maximize the window

        return true;
the button class is `AfxWnd90u` and the instance is `21`. I wrote this in autoit before and AfxWnd90u21 is 100 % correct. 

the problem is that i cant find the button with AfxWnd90u21. if i only use 

    IntPtr hButton = FindWindowEx((IntPtr)handle, IntPtr.Zero, "AfxWnd90u", null);

all windows get maximized.

It has to be something with the instance.

i hope you can help me,


Newest Edit i just tried to find the class name with "GetClassName". I find 190~ classes per handle, but the class that i need is not in there. iam really desperate I hope someone can help me, thanks

       private static bool foundWindow(int handle)
                int i = 0;
                IntPtr hWnd = (IntPtr)handle;

               // System.Windows.Forms.Control control = System.Windows.Forms.Control.FromHandle(hWnd);
                StringBuilder sbClass = new StringBuilder(256);

                while (hWnd != IntPtr.Zero)

                    ////////////// Compare if the classname exists/////
                    GetClassName((int)hWnd, sbClass, sbClass.Capacity);
                    if (sbClass.ToString().Equals("AfxWnd90u21"))

                    ////// trying to find the correct class with findwindowEX//////////
                    IntPtr hButton = FindWindowEx(hWnd, IntPtr.Zero, "AfxWnd90u21", null);

                    if (hButton != IntPtr.Zero)
                        ShowWindowAsync(handle, (int)2); // maximize the window
                    hWnd = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, hWnd, null, null);
                return true;

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