English 中文(简体)
原标题:Unserialize Database Session Codeigniter





function index()
    // Load Model.
    $this->load->model( membres_model );

    // Check if the user is already logged
    if($this->session->userdata( alias ) || $this->session->userdata( logged ))
        //Redirect if he is logged.
        redirect( membres/ );
    // If the form has been sent.   
    if($this->input->post( submit ))
        // Trim data
        $this->form_validation->set_rules( alias , Nom d utilisateur , trim|required|xss_clean );
        $this->form_validation->set_rules( motdepasse , Mot de passe , trim|required|xss_clean );

            // check verification in the model
            if($this->membres_model->verification_connexion($this->input->post( alias ),$this->input->post( motdepasse )))
                // Set userdata variables
                $data = array(
                     alias      =>  $this->input->post( alias ),
                     addr_ip    =>  $_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ],
                     hote       =>  gethostbyaddr($_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ]),
                     logged     =>  true

                    I Want to verify if the membres is already logged if another one want to use the                        same login/password of the logged on. but I don t know how to verify in the                         ci_sessions

                    // start session
                    // Redirection sur l espace membre apres la creation de la session.
                    redirect( membres/ );
            else {
                // if return false
                $data[ error ] =  Mauvais identifiants ;
                $data[ contenu ] =  connexion/formulaire ;
                $this->load->view( includes/template ,$data);
        else {

            $data[ contenu ] =  connexion/formulaire ; // La variable vue pour loader dans le template.
            $this->load->view( includes/template ,$data);

    else {

        $data[ contenu ] =  connexion/formulaire ; // La variable vue pour loader dans le template.
        $this->load->view( includes/template ,$data);


我知道我确实必须利用会议周期。 我可以拿到这些阵列,但我不知道如何将数据与挂牌用户进行比较。 没有人能够帮助我?


仅仅在会议桌上加上另一栏(“用户_id”),这样你就可以用单一和简单的盘问加以核对。 <>代码>unserialize()(如果需要的话),通常是一种非常缓慢的职能,在会议桌上核对每行都会成为一个问题。


    protected function _unserialize($data)
            $data = @unserialize(strip_slashes($data));

            if (is_array($data))
                    array_walk_recursive($data, array(&$this,  _unescape_slashes ));
                    return $data;

            return (is_string($data)) ? str_replace( {{slash}} ,  \ , $data) : $data;


    protected function _unescape_slashes(&$val, $key)
            if (is_string($val))
                    $val= str_replace( {{slash}} ,  \ , $val);



$sessions = "SELECT * FROM ci_sessions"; // return as object

        foreach($sessions as $sess)
            foreach(unserialize($sess->user_data) as $k => $v)
                if($k ===  alias  AND isset($v))
                    return true;


public function _before_check($alias) // alias should have UNIQUE constraint
    return ($this->input->cookie( my_cookie_ .$alias, TRUE)) ? TRUE : FALSE;


   //already logged In
  //log them in AND set your cookie



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