English 中文(简体)
原标题:Template not showing correct calculated values

I am trying to display the total amount that each user would get in a table on my template. Now when I do print statements in my console, I get the correct values but then when I put {{ total_dollar_amount }} on my template, it only shows me the last value.

现在,我认为,我应该通过<代码>,总价值——美元——amount,但那就留下了一种错误,说精度值是 t的。


意见。 y

def ABD_report(request, *args, **kwargs):
This report will show all  In Trust For  investments in the system and display all relevant information
from investments.models import Investment
from reports.forms import InTrustForm
context = {}
if request.POST:
    form = InTrustForm(request.agents, request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        agents = form.cleaned_data[ agents ]
        context[ selected_agents ] = agents
        investments = Investment.objects.filter(plan__profile__agent__in=agents, plan__ownership_type__code = "itf")
        for i in investments:
            #count all members in each plan
            count = i.plan.planmember_set.all().count()
            #take off the primary member of the account
            count -= 1
            if i.interestoption:
                if i.interestoption.short_label ==  AN :
                    pay_amt = i.pay_amount
                    total_amt = (pay_amt / count)
                    context[ total_dollar_amt ] = total_amt
            context[ counted ] = count
        context[ investments ] = investments
        context[ show_report ] = True
    form = InTrustForm(request.agents)

context[ form ] = form

return render_to_response( reports/admin/abd_report.html , RequestContext(request, context))

<条码>context变量为字典;每个钥匙只能具有一个价值。 页: 1

如果你想通过<条码>(现称)和<条码>,总价位 每项投资的数值,您必须附在投资标上,而不是在<条码>中确定关键值:

for i in investments:
    #count all members in each plan
    count = i.plan.planmember_set.all().count()
    #take off the primary member of the account
    count -= 1
    if i.interestoption:
        if i.interestoption.short_label ==  AN :
            pay_amt = i.pay_amount
            total_amt = (pay_amt / count)
            # attach value to the investment
            i.total_dollar_amt = total_amt
    # attach value to the investment
    i.counted = count

Now in your template, you can loop through investments.


<代码>context[总额_dollar_amt]每当转让在摊位中被击中时就被超写。 欲了解将转至模板的价值,请在<代码>前填写“编码”栏目。

从你的描述中看,我并不完全清楚,但我认为你需要通过一个字典清单,以便了解情况,例如<条码>[投资_数据]=[],然后在行文中,<条码>。 然后在模板中:

{% for inv_data in investments_data %}
    {{ inv_data.inv.name }} total: {{ inv_data.total_amt }}
{% endfor %}

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