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原标题:C++ : inline functions with dllimport/dllexport?

我设立了一个DL(say CORE.DLL),我有以下班级/职务:

#define RINZO_LIB __declspec(dllexport)
#define RINZO_LIB __declspec(dllimport)


class RINZO_LIB CVector

    CVector();//!< default constructor
    real& x();//!< accessor for the x component (can be used as l-value too)
    real& y();//!< accessor for the y component (can be used as l-value too)
    real& z();//!< accessor for the z component (can be used as l-value too)
    CVector& operator=(const CVector& other);//!< the assignment
    CVector& operator+=(const CVector& other);//!< the sum & assign
    CVector& operator-=(const CVector& other);//!< the subtract & assign
    CVector& operator*=(const real& fact);//!< the short multiply by a scalar factor & assign
    CVector& operator/=(const real& fact);//!< the short divide by a scalar factor & assign

RINZO_LIB inline CVector& CVector::operator=(const CVector& other)
    //check for  a=a  case
    if (this==&other) return *this;
    return *this;

RINZO_LIB inline CVector& CVector::operator+=(const CVector& other)
    return *this;

RINZO_LIB inline CVector& CVector::operator-=(const CVector& other)
    return *this;

RINZO_LIB inline CVector& CVector::operator*=(const real& fact)
    return *this;

RINZO_LIB inline CVector& CVector::operator/=(const real& fact)
    assert(fabs(fact) >= epsilon);
    return *this;

但是,当我使用DL(进口)汇编另一个DLL(say PluginA.DLL)时,它汇编了以下错误:

Info: resolving std::cout  by linking to __imp___ZSt4cout (auto-import)
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(RzStateDoAnimation.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/statemachine/RzStateDoAnimation.cpp:79: undefined reference to `operator!=(quaternion const&, quaternion const&) 
Info: resolving vtable for __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info by linking to __imp___ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE (auto-import)
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(RzStateDoAnimation.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/statemachine/RzStateDoAnimation.cpp:146: undefined reference to `operator==(quaternion const&, quaternion const&) 
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(BallController.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/trackball/BallController.cpp:159: undefined reference to `operator*(CVector const&, CVector const&) 
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(BallController.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/trackball/BallController.cpp:165: undefined reference to `operator^(CVector const&, CVector const&) 
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(BallController.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/trackball/BallController.cpp:168: undefined reference to `operator-(CVector const&, CVector const&) 
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(BallController.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/trackball/BallController.cpp:292: undefined reference to `operator*(CVector const&, CVector const&) 
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(BallController.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/trackball/BallController.cpp:292: undefined reference to `operator*(CVector const&, float const&) 
CMakeFilesContourViewer.dir/objects.a(BallController.cpp.obj):C:/svn/osaka3d/trunk/osaka3d/rinzo-platform/src/dlplugins/contourviewer/trackball/BallController.cpp:292: undefined reference to `operator-(CVector const&, CVector const&) 



<说明>:由于这是公认的答案,因此不能删除。 删除。 各位欢迎你取消否决权。


Inline and dllexport/dllimport dos.

页: 1

  1. inline your functions, and have them compiled separately for each source file that uses them; or
  2. store them in a library, that is, have them compiled just once (export them), and link the rest of the program against that single compiled version (import them).


删除每个功能定义中既有的<代码>inline, 或RINZO_LIB, 并且应当予以罚款。

<><>Edit>/strong> 消除任何误解:它可以出口和进口在线职能,事实上只是将出口/进口的批量放在申报上。



首先,在线功能可在无问题的情况下用于进出口。 意思是完全明智的:你提供了一条在线定义,可在你的当地或外部使用客户代码(可以上网查阅),但还是可以查阅标准出口功能。 换言之,如果你需要的话,你仍然可以找到执行<中居住的职能的联络点。 举例来说,使用的案例包括:通过FFI获得这一功能,能够获得记忆分配/免费例行公事,这些传闻应在单元内标明,但需要将DL的斜体用于跨越DL边界的记忆。

请见https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewth/20140109-00/?p=2123 要求彻底处理和澄清它意味着同时出口/进口。

Next, in your specific case, I see nothing immediately wrong with what you re trying to do. You want to provide fast, inlined vector math for yourself and clients, while still being able to access that function as though it were a standard export. If that last bit isn t true (i.e., you don t ever explicitly need a pointer to the DLL s implementation of the function), then the comments/answer are correct: remove the export/import and make it part of the .hpp. Use import/export + inline only when you know that you will still require access to the DLL s exported version of the function. Again, this is a perfectly-reasonable thing, however, it s not usually what s required -- so make sure you do indeed require it.


Double-check to make sure that you re defining RINZOCORE_SHARED when you build the library. Check the DLL s symbols and see if those functions have been exported (if not, and you re positive that you ve defined RINZOCORE_SHARED, then I m really quite stumped).

检查,确保你从你再次要求的地方,包括具有职能定义的负责人。 检查,以确保<代码>RINZOCORE_SHARED是贵方建筑界定的NOT。 这似乎意味着它没有这些在线职能中的定义>。

I usually use this only with C-linkage functions, so I m honestly not quite sure what all could be going wrong in terms of the C++ ABI.

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