原文:Export Functions of DLL s as seen by depends
原文:Export Functions of DLL s as seen by depends
我正在研究使用依赖的单壳输出的功能清单,并发现一些带有名称的超标符号。 这些格式
我正在研究使用依赖的单壳输出的功能清单,并发现一些带有名称的超标符号。 这些格式
I create a DLL (say CORE.DLL) ,I have classes/functions declared as follows: #ifdef RINZOCORE_SHARED #define RINZO_LIB __declspec(dllexport) #else #define RINZO_LIB __declspec(dllimport) #endif I ...
What is the D2 language equivalent of __declspec(dllexport) I have the D2 DLL linkage example code up and running. Exporting functions, both in dmd s mangled name space as well as well as in ...
我在试图在C#中写成法典,以便把图带给一个未管理的C++ DLL,并返回一个POINT结构。