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C# 推论类型: 如何适当界定对方法的限制?
原标题:C# Type inference: How to properly define constraints on method?

然而,我花了很多时间,使C#类推论达到我所希望的目的。 我有一个非常具体的情况,即我拥有大量变数。

ConcurrentDictionary<T, IDictionary<U, V> >




public static IOrderedEnumerable<Tuple<int,int>> GetDictionaryHistogram<T, U, V, W>(T dictionary) where T : ConcurrentDictionary<U, IDictionary<V, W>>
    return dictionary.Select(p => p.Value.Count)
                     .GroupBy(p => p)
                     .Select(p => new Tuple<int, int>(p.Key, p.Count()))
                     .OrderBy(p => p.Item1);

But when I try to call it, C# gives me an error that it cannot infer the types. For example on a variable of type

ConcurrentDictionary<int,IDictionary<int, int> > foo;


Error 118 The type arguments for method Auditor.AuditorHelpers.GetDictionaryHistogram(T) cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.



arguments to ual paranote category。 在constraints上从未作过任何推论,因为制约因素不属于一种方法的signature的一部分。

In your case type inference must always fail; type inference cannot possibly infer types for U and V because they do not appear in a formal parameter type.

For about a dozen people telling me that I am wrong to believe that this rule is sensible, see the comments to my article on the subject.


The type parameter T is unnecessary. You should just write

public static IOrderedEnumerable<Tuple<int,int>> GetDictionaryHistogram<U, V, W>(
    ConcurrentDictionary<U, IDictionary<V, W>> dictionary)


你的制约因素类型,即参数必须是某种类型,只在少数情况下才有用。 最常见的是避免采用接口的价值类型的盒式。 比较这两种方法:

public static DoSomething(ISomeInterface thing) {}
public static DoSomething<T>(T thing) where T : ISomeInterface {}



I think the compiler is saying that it can t figure out the dependencies between your types.

Try doing:

public static IOrderedEnumerable<Tuple<int,int>> GetDictionaryHistogram<U, V, W>(ConcurrentDictionary<U, IDictionary<V, W>> dictionary)
    return dictionary.Select(p => p.Value.Count)
                     .GroupBy(p => p)
                     .Select(p => new Tuple<int, int>(p.Key, p.Count()))
                     .OrderBy(p => p.Item1);

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