我能否把我整个的故事.aspx页码放在地方化构造中。 或者,我是否必须对每一部分案文作出新的说明? 我把整个故事.aspx的主要内容编码放在了档案中,而网页布局则做了罚款。 但是, as子:hy子干.。
我这样说是错了吗? 难道我只需要STOP在超级通道上铺设,然后开始一个新通道吗? 是否通常用30个插座放在一页?
The bottom line:
在单一资源档案中,我能否把这一切搁置起来? 或者,我只想说一头超链接,然后是头两个超链接之后的头版。 编码是:
We design,
engineer, and produce special machine vision error-proofing <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink3" runat="server"
NavigateUrl="~/services/" Target="_self">products and services</asp:HyperLink>
that create lean factories by improving the quality of manufactured
products, and by significantly reducing manufacturing costs through advanced
I know I d have to put in the aboutus.aspx page wherever I replaced the code:
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server"
Text="<%$ Resources:LocalizedText, aboutus1 %>"></asp:Label>
But what about the hyperlinks? Am I doing this the right way? I want to be able to get these pages done and overwith! Thank you for your time in reading this, and any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated!