English 中文(简体)
原标题:Styling long chains in Python
  • 时间:2012-01-11 11:29:51
  •  标签:
  • python

I ve written a Python API that is "chain based" (similar to jQuery). So I can write:


The problem is that I haven t found a way to keep the syntax clean with long chains. In JavaScript I could simply do




PEP8-compliant solution: formatting the line

实际上,PEP8 :

Long lines can be broken over multiple lines by wrapping expressions in parentheses. These should be used in preference to using a backslash for line continuation. Make sure to indent the continued line appropriately.



Alternative solutions: splitting into separate statements


  1. Every method (maybe except die(), which is not required, as its result is not being used) returns modified instance (the same instance, on which it was called).
  2. Every method (still, die() is not required to do that) returns copy of the instance on which it was called.

Solution for mutable objects (methods return original instance)

In first case (when returning same instance), the solution to split longer lines into several statements is:


真正的世界例子涉及 objects:

my_stuff = []
my_stuff.append( laptop )  # my_stuff == [ laptop ]
my_stuff.append( jacket )  # my_stuff == [ laptop ,  jacket ]
my_stuff.append( apple )  # my_stuff == [ laptop ,  jacket ,  apple ]

(虽然list.append() is not Return any, only for行文一致 and forclar that it is mutable)

Solution for immutable objects (methods return modified copy)

second case(在交回本时),类似的解决办法是:

myObject = myObject.doStuf()
myObject = myObject.doMoreStuf()
myObject = myObject.goRed()
myObject = myObject.goBlue()


name =  -Tadek- 
name = name.strip( - )  # name ==  Tadek 
name = name.lower()  # name ==  tadek 
name = name.replace( k ,  ck )  # name ==  tadeck 

(我对<代码>myObject感到担忧。) 所有这一切都非常痛苦。


   ).doMoreStuf(arg1, arg2



obj = myObject.doStuff()
obj = obj.doMoreStuf()
obj = obj.goRed()
obj = obj.goBlue()
obj = obj.die()


obj = myObject.doStuff().doMoreStuf()
colored_object = obj.goRed().goBlue()

I don t think chained methods like this are used very commonly in python (if at all). One option would be to use an API that looks like

     Stuff ,
     MoreStuff ,
     Red ,
     Blue ,
     die ,

如果你给我们一个真正的榜样的话,你可能会得到更相关的建议,但很难猜测这里有什么样的行动。 或许其中一些应合并,或放在<条码>_init__。 (例如,彩色可以通过向_init 通过任择论据加以确定。)

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