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Findbugs XML报告产生的FindBugs-HTML报告
原标题:FindBugs- HTML Report generation from Findbugs XML report
  • 时间:2012-01-12 08:29:30
  •  标签:
  • findbugs

I am using FindBugs (version 1.3.9) Eclipse Plugin. I run findbugs and saved findings in XML file. I need to generate HTML Report of the XML report.


I want the output to be similar to: http://mevenide.codehaus.org/maven-eclipse-plugin-plugin/findbugs-report.html



$ ./findbugs -textui -userPrefs edu.umd.cs.findbugs.core.prefs  -progress
    -maxHeap 1500 -nested:false -output results/outputfile.html -effort:max
    -low -sortByClass **-html:fancy.xsl** -auxclasspath servlet-api.jar
    -auxclasspath selenium-server-standalone-2.43.0.jar
    -auxclasspath commons-lang-2.6.jar ~/Downloads/bodgeit-master


You can also use a simple utility called unionBugs to collect all bugs found in different sub-projects, which take arguments output file name with "-output" switch followed by any number of xml files. Steps:
1. Go to bin subdirectory in Findbugs directory
2. Run ./unionBugs -output <output_file_name.xml> inputfile1 inputfile2 ... inputfilen
3. Later, run a command convertXmlToText to transform XML into HTML file.

./convertXmlToText -longBugCodes -html <input_file1.xml> <output_file.html>


java -cp findbugs.jar edu.umd.cs.findbugs.PrintingBugReporter -html analysisResult.xml >output.html

总的说来,它只是一种XSL转变。 辅助的SL档案被捆绑在垃圾箱中。 作为资源。

我没有在FindBugs Eclipse plugin方面的经验,但我知道,FindBugs Ant的任务有选择,可在-output上产生。 是否有办法混淆FindBugs Eclipse plugin生产html的产出?

rel=“nofollow” FindBugs Ant Task Manual


This post shows how to do that: Findbug - ANT xslt stylesheet source code references

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