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原标题:why condition $id dont work with pagination?

i have two models binded with section model this two models called (gallery,article),i want to paginate all this in 概览.ctp.so i have two problems
1-when put $id in $paginate to retrieve articles by section $id i get parse error 2-how to separate between the two paginations (gallery,article) in view file ..

var $paginate = array(
      Article =>array(
      limit  => 1,
      page  => 1,
           parse error here//  
      conditions  => array( section_id =>$id)
      Gallery =>array(
      limit  => 3,
      page  => 1,
      conditions  => array( section_id =>86))

    function view($id = null) {
        if (!$id) {
            $this->Session->setFlash(__( Invalid gallery , true));
            $this->redirect(array( action  =>  index ));
   $gallery = $this->paginate( Gallery );
        // find Articles at sections
         $articles = $this->paginate( Article );
   $section = $this->Section->findById($id);

        // set the section for the view
    $this->set(compact( articles , gallery , section ));


    <div class="related">

<h3> section is <?php echo $section [ Section ][ name ]; ?></h3>
<br />
                <?php foreach($articles as $article): ?>
                    <td><?php if($article[ Article ][ status ]== 1){echo $article[ Article ][ title ];}  ?></td>
                    <td><?php  if($article[ Article ][ status ]== 1){echo  &nbsp; .$html->link( View ,  /articles/view/ .$article[ Article ][ id ]);}?></td>
                <?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php if($section[ Section ][ id ]==86): ?>
        <div class="related">



                <?php foreach($gallery as $galler): ?>
                 <td> <?php echo  &nbsp; .$html->link($galler[ Gallery ][ name ],  /galleries/view/ .$galler[ Gallery ][ id ]);?></td>
                <?php endforeach; ?>

    echo $this->Paginator->counter(array(
     format  => __( Page %page% of %pages%, showing %current% records out of %count% total, starting on record %start%, ending on %end% , true)
    ?>  </p>

    <div class="paging">
        <?php echo $this->Paginator->prev( <<   . __( previous , true), array(), null, array( class => disabled ));?>
     |  <?php echo $this->Paginator->numbers();?>
        <?php echo $this->Paginator->next(__( next , true) .   >> , array(), null, array( class  =>  disabled ));?>
     <?php endif ; ?>

你们可以在购买力平价的类别财产申报中使用变数或逻辑。 一种情况是,该<代码> id不适用。 在那里,变化不定。


$articles = $this->paginate( Article , array( Article.section_id  => $id));

你们将努力在同一个网页上获得两件假肢,因为卡纳克民阵在接收URL的“第2页”时不会知道你正在想象的那套数据,我认为,这套数据只会使两套数据gin下。 此处为一条可能的 ha/<。



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