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原标题:Converting CSV records to custom datatype IEnumerable (C#)

I ve got some data inwang CSV form, 他说:


I ve创建了一个班级(CsvRecord),每个班子可以消费一个元素。 利用Linq,I ve得以将CSV数据转换为。 缩略语

IEnumerable<CSVRecord> list = csvList.Select(a => new CSVRecord(a.Split(new char[]{ , })[0], a.Split(new char[]{ , })[1]));

这确实是我所希望的,而只是看一下,这似乎不像实现这一目标的好办法。 请建议我如何改进这项工作?


您绝对不想写上自己的CSV教区(如您已查明的),除非您也愿意完全执行RFC 4180标准。 这很可能不是你想要做的事。 有许多不相干的案件。 很幸运的是,执行工作已经存在。

I would use CsvHelper. I ve used it for reading and writing on several occasions and it s always been a good library to use in my experience.


A good way to improve is take a look at the code out there and if you want to reinvent the wheel as a learning experience, the use these as examples.


Check out;

http://www.csvreader.com/ (costs, but is good. You can even buy the source code if needs be). http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/CsvReader.aspx


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