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PHP [复制]
原标题:Convert MMDDYYYY to date for PHP [duplicate]

I have a string with a date which is in this format MMDDYYYY (ie. 01132012, 01142012 etc.)


ie. Today is 01132012, so any strings with 12312011 or a less date are going to be showing something on a page.

谁能帮助? 我受审

echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime( 01142012 ));




  // current date
  $now = new DateTime();

  //your date
  $date = DateTime::createFromFormat( mdY ,  01142012 );

  // calculate difference 
  $diff = $now->diff($date);


  // output the date in format you want
  echo $date->format( d/m/Y );

EDIT:我刚刚认识到,你的格式没有一种得到php支持的形式。 因此,你必须使用替代物体。



$dt = strptime( 01142012 ,  %m%d%Y );
echo sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d", $dt[ tm_mday ], $dt[ tm_mon ]+1, $dt[ tm_year ]+1900);

如果你使用PHP5.3或以上,你也可以使用日期_parse_ from_format()


$string =  01142012 ;
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, 
          substr($string, 0, 2),
          substr($string, 2, 2),
          substr($string, 4, 4)
 echo date( d/m/Y , $time);
try date( m-d-y , strtotime( 01142012 ));


$var = strtotime( 01142012 );
$var2 = date ( F j, Y , $var);

你提出的1 0142012年建议不能用时间加以限定,因为作为答案,这并不有效。 为了把这个日期改为一个有效日期,你需要添加斜体或 da,以区分数字。



function makeValidDate($date) {

   $valid_date = array();
   $array = str_split($date); //split characters up

   foreach($array as $key => $character){
       if($key==2 || $key==4){
           $character =  - .$character; //add relevant formatting to date
           $valid_date[] = $character; //add this to the formatted array
           $valid_date[] = $character; // if not dashes or slashes needed add to valid array

   return implode($valid_date); // return the formmatted date for use with strtotime


$valid_date = makeValidDate( 01142012 );    
echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime($valid_date));

I haven t tested this but you should get a good idea of what to do.

EDIT: Capi s idea is a lot cleaner!!

try "preg_match(pattern,string on wich the pattern will be aplied)"; http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php you can also define an offset. so first take te first 2 digits. than take the other 2 digits and after that get the other four digits. after that place them in one string. after that use maketime,strtotime,date. this kind of stupid solution but i only thought of that. hope this will help

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