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qt - 我如何用一组纽子分裂?
原标题:qt - How do I make a splitter with a set of buttons on it?

是否有任何人面临将丁顿(或任何其他植被)放在分管的顶端? 我曾试图得到处理,确定其布局,并在那里实施控制,但我只想看一看。




QDialog dialog = new QDialog();
dialog.setLayout(new QVBoxLayout());
QSplitter splitter = new QSplitter();

splitter.setSizePolicy(new QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Policy.Fixed));
splitter.addWidget(new QListWidget());
splitter.addWidget(new QTableWidget());

QSplitterHandle h = splitter.handle(1);
h.setFixedWidth(30); // I added this line to show the splitter handle
QVBoxLayout lt = new QVBoxLayout();
lt.addWidget(new QPushButton("Hello", dialog));
lt.addWidget(new QPushButton("Good bye", dialog));


This gives better result:

// h.setFixedWidth(30);

为了取得更好的结果,我建议把QSplitterHandle和重修改为。 http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/qsplitterhandle.html” rel=“nofollow”>QSplitterHandle documentation

You can change layout setting to get exact button positions. For example:





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