English 中文(简体)
Capybara and Railways, 为什么有联系? 返回总是虚假的?
原标题:Capybara and Rails, Why has_link? always returns false?

我试图用“联系”来测试? 在我的试想中,我在此检验:

page.has_link?( next_page , {}).should == true

but, the test always fail, although the link with id next_page dose exist! the strange thing is that have_content always works fine, here is how I implement it:

page.should have_content("some text")

您能否帮助我? 我在这里失踪了吗?


页: 1

<a id="next_page" href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="javascript: void(0)" style="color: #888888">Next</a>


页: 1 “一页”

页: 1 “一页”, url_path



it "should have logout link" do
  expect(page).to have_link( Logout ) 


rendered.should have_link("Teams", :href => teams_path)

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