English 中文(简体)
2. 将财产类型移至通用方法
原标题:Get property type to pass to generic method

我需要获得一种财产类型,这种类型只有在操作时间才知道,并且作为通用方法的类型参数。 例如:

PropertyInfo prop = Bar.GetProperty("Property1");

//"type  prop  could not be found" error

void Foo<T>()
class Bar
   string Property1{get;set;}

律师资格的类型在编纂时将不为人所知,因此,我可以打上<编码>。 Foo<string>。 如果我使用<代码>,将进行正确汇编和操作。 Foo<dynamic>;,但I m不相信最佳途径,我很想知道,是否有办法利用较老的框架做到这一点。

Hopefully, this more complete example will make my intentions clearer:

    public void Map(TInType inObject, TOutType outObject)
        //propertyIn, propertyOut, and converter are all strings identifying the properties/methods to be used from the inObject/Type outObject/Type.
        SetPropertyValues<dynamic, dynamic>(inObject, outObject, propertyIn, propertyOut, converter);
    private void SetPropertyValues<TPropIn,TPropOut>(TInType fromObject, TOutType toObject, string propertyIn, string propertyOut, string converter)
        PropertyInfo prop1 = typeof(TInType).GetProperty(propertyIn);
        MethodInfo converterMethod = typeof(TInType).GetMethod(converter);
        PropertyInfo prop2 = typeof(TOutType).GetProperty(propertyOut);

            CopyPropertyValue<TPropIn, TPropOut>((TPropIn)prop1.GetValue(fromObject, null), p => (TPropOut)converterMethod.Invoke(fromObject, new object[] { p })),
    private TPropOut CopyPropertyValue<TPropIn, TPropOut>(TPropIn InPropValue, Func<TPropIn, TPropOut> converterFunction)
        return converterFunction(InPropValue);



You can use MakeGenericMethod, performance is actually quite reasonable and allows you to explicitly define what you are calling with what, so reduces the overhead. So something like the following, the Invoker would call the explicit method / class you need, and the helper actually invokes the generic call.

public class GenericHelper
    public static void DoSomethingGeneric(GenericInvokerParameters parameters)
        var targetMethodInfo = typeof(GenericInvoker).GetMethod("DoSomethingGeneric");
        var genericTargetCall = targetMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(parameters.InvokeType);
        genericTargetCall.Invoke(new GenericInvoker(), new[] { parameters });

public class GenericInvoker
    public void DoSomethingGeneric<T>(GenericInvokerParameters parameters)
        //Call your generic class / method e.g.

public class GenericInvokerParameters
    public GenericInvokerParameters(Type typeToInvoke, string someValue)
        SomeValue = someValue;
        InvokeType = typeToInvoke;

    public string SomeValue { get; private set; }
    public Type InvokeType { get; private set; }

Don t see anything bad in dynamic. Use it.



如果你不使用这种禁忌,那么这种禁忌就不应该是通用的。 仅此就根据的是类型目标而不是T。

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