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原标题:Cloud Apps vs Web Apps

I have 2 questions:
First, what s the difference between a web application and a cloud application? Are there any differences at all? If I m developing a web application (a site with many interactive features), can I call it a cloud application?
Second, if there s a difference between a cloud and web application, what languages can cloud applications be developed in? Would a scripting language like PHP be useful for that?


UPDATE: I have watched the video in one of the answers, but I am still a little confused. Taking Google Docs as a example, all I see is a user interface that can be created with html and JS, along with a server script, and the data is stored in a database, which is basically the same thing a web application does. Or is it different?


网络应用可在“云层”上运行。 云基本上是一种动态计算资源(燃烧、ram、储存等),可通过网络应用加以利用。

这使得云层的 app光能够很好地扩大,因为它们是动态分配的资源。






A web application is an just an application deployed on a web server.
The user accesses this application knowing that it is accessing a remote application and this application has a specific purpose.I.e. implements a specific functionality.

When you start talking about the cloud, you have a different concept alltogether.
The idea is that you want to access a service that you have no idea where the service actually is being deployed.
The main benefit is that a company can save resources.
For example a company can have e.g. their own CRM and have to pay money for servers, for IT personel etc. or just access a service in a "cloud" where the company providing the cloud is responsible for the servers etc.



在当地运行的任何东西都可以在“cl”中操作。 云计算是传统应用/处理方法不可避免地向专用供应商流动。 对Walmart综合症的反感,那里很少有 mo和民店被路边倒。


网上和云层都分布有服务器和用户部分。 它们储存在服务器方面的数据,但可以有当地数据藏匿处,用于在线案件。

网上应用。 通常,这些文件都是在《吉大港山区行动计划》/CSS/Java文本上写的。obe对客户部分有另一个愿景。 他们提议,作为客户经营时间环境(今年首当其冲)的Abobesat特别灵活语言。

云层与网络相距甚远,但其用户部分是专门为在选定的目标平台上运行而开发的本土应用(OS X、Win、OS等)。

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