Hi Everyone I am working on my first MVC 3 website built in C# in asp.net I am having some trouble with with the speed of the website as it takes over 45 seconds to expand or contract the tables that show the database.
我列入了我的《报告模板守则》,我对此感到 j。
ViewBag.Title = "ReportTemplate";
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
toggle = function (className) {
$( . + className).toggle( fast );
@Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")
string investment_area = "";
string major_program = "";
string manager = "";
string project = "";
string spa = "";
string pa = "";
string iaClass = "";
string mpClass = "";
string manClass = "";
string pjClass = "";
string spaClass = "";
string paClass = "";
@foreach (var item in Model)
iaClass = item.investment_area.Substring(0, 2);
mpClass = item.major_program;
manClass = item.manager;
pjClass = item.project;
spaClass = item.spa;
paClass = item.pa;
if (investment_area != item.investment_area)
<td class = "ndeTable ui-widget-header pointer border" onclick="toggle( @iaClass )" colspan="6">
investment_area = item.investment_area;
if (major_program != item.major_program)
<tr class="@iaClass">
<td style = "width :200px"></td>
<td class = "ndeTable pointer border" onclick="toggle( @mpClass )" colspan="5">
major_program = item.major_program;
if (manager != item.manager)
<tr class = "@iaClass @mpClass">
<td style = "width : 100px"></td>
<td class = "ndeTable pointer border" onclick="toggle( @manClass )" colspan="4">
manager = item.manager;
if (project != item.project)
<tr class = "@iaClass @mpClass @manClass">
<td style = "width : 200px"></td>
<td class = "ndeTable pointer border" onclick = "toggle( @pjClass )" colspan="3">
project = item.project;
if (spa != item.spa)
<tr class = "@iaClass @mpClass @manClass @pjClass">
<td style = "width : 325px"></td>
<td class = "ndeTable pointer border" onclick = "toggle( @spaClass )" colspan = "2">
spa = item.spa;
<tr class = "@iaClass @mpClass @manClass @pjClass @spaClass">
<td style = "width: 200px"></td>
<td class = "ndeTable pointer border" onclick = "toggle( @paClass )" colspan = "1">
pa = item.pa;
I am going to continue trying to optimize the code in the meantime but if anyone has any tips or tricks I can use I would be very thankful as this has been troubling me for the past couple days and 45 secs for a small database is ridiculous. Thank you for your time. Cheers, James