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两条同时连接 C. 方案
原标题:Connection of two simultaneous C programs
  • 时间:2012-01-13 19:08:19
  •  标签:
  • c

我必须知道,如何把两个简单的C方案的投入和产出同时联系起来,把第三个 Java/C方案联系起来。


Sample programs: Program1.c

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  int a;
  return 0;


int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  int a;
  return 0;

My aim is to connect stdin and stdout of program1.c with stdin and stdout of program2.c with the help of a third Java or C program



  • “Program3” creates a pipe
  • Program 3 calls fork, and in the child, changes out the pipe s FD for stdout, then exec s Program2;
  • Program 3 then changes out the pipe for stdin, and exec s Program1

You should use fork and exec
Write a third C program, which would open a two pipes (using pipe). This gives you 4 file descriptors (2 input, 2 output).
Then it forks - the child will later run program1 and the parent program2 (or vice versa - doesn t matter).
Each of the children will close 2 file descriptors, and remain with one input and one output (but not of the same pipe). They should also close standard input and output.
Then use the dup2 function to make the pipe fds become 0 and 1.
Now you have two processes, with one s stdin connected by pipe to the other s stdout, and vice versa.
The last stage is to use exec to make the run program1 and program2.

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