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原标题:How to Delete Authentication Cookie

I am developing ASP.NET MVC application. I made some changes to save some extra info in cookie in latest version. Few of my customers are still running old version. Is there any way to expire the existing cookies of my existing customer and enforce them to log-on again when they connect to my new application hosted in IIS?




 <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" name="InsightWebMobileCookie2" timeout="10000" slidingExpiration="true" />

这里的问题是,你不能读到 co子到期日,因此,你们不知道老用户的 co。


  1. If you can figure out who is from the old version - have logic to expire their cookie.
  2. Force everyone to logout once if they dont have a cookie named "VersionLogout". Once you force their logout, set a cookie named "VersionLogout" with a value of 1.2 for example, this way you know you ve forced their logout for a particular version and they (going forward) won t be prompted again.

您将把该守则放在申请中。 在全球的AusenticateRequest活动. at this time auser has been accreditationed so, 你可以检查他们的厨师。

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