English 中文(简体)
原标题:Creating a scrolling grid of different width cells


我需要为《电视指南》树立一个格丽德观点,在电视指南中,你有一个垂直的频道标志清单,显示这种滚动和倒塌的左侧,以及我们拥有一个横向和纵向滚动网的权利。 横向滚动机将固定在屏幕上的航道标志移出,但垂直滚动电网也像你所期望的那样将标志推移。




由于我收到我们的Adync要求提供的数据,我创建了一个背景工人读物,把JSON混为一谈,并在电网信道上使用分机设立方案小组。 Invoke。 由于这种情况没有逐步反馈,整个事情都等待着所有工作,然后突然出现电网。 我希望这些囚室通过渠道或以电池板为基础,在不阻挡技经评估组的这种滚动作用的情况下,只好事,但似乎确实如此。

我有问题,因为使用UIElements的任何工作都是在WinPhone7 是主线(我相信)的“ID”深线上进行的,这包括教 XXAML,或创建/改造UIElements,即使他们愿意在屏幕上或看得见的任何东西中添加。 这意味着,我无法通过预先确定或重新使用要素来改进情况。





  1. the UI blocking of doing any UI work stops any scrolling as above so creating new cells in the background that are to be scrolled into view cant happen without blocking the UI
  2. there are no scroll events being sent by the scroll view, I have experimented with binding to the scrollbars in the scrollview to get offset values but this doesnt work very well as it just updates in fits and starts so if you do lots of scrolling, nothing gets sent until there is a pause or OnIdle I guess.



www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Edit: Abit more information and some samples code

I have a Programme class that contains things like start time and title, a Channel class that has name and logo etc but also an array of programmes.

当我检索我的APIC数据时,我制造了一个渠道标,并在各种渠道添加,然后在渠道方案阵列中增加方案。 一频道的所有节目一经插入一阵,就张贴到一个频道节目播放器上,以便更新情报和安全局。

<ScrollViewer ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible">
    <Canvas x:Name="ProgGrid" 
                    Height="55" Width="393" 
                    VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left">

public void ChannelProgrammesComplete( object sender, EventArgs e )
  var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
  bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
  bw.DoWork += ( doWorkSender, args ) =>
    Dispatch( (Channel)sender );

private void Dispatch( BackgroundWorker bw, object param )
  Channel channel = (Channel)param;

  int progCount = 0;
  foreach( Programme programme in channel.Programmes )
    double left = ( ( programme.StartSecsFromToday / 60 ) * PixelsPerMinute );  // turn it into seconds

    if( progCount == 0 && left < 0 )
      // If first prog starts before 6am, shrink the cell so it starts at the 6am start point
      programme.UIWidth = ( ( programme.Duration - ( ( programme.StartSecsFromToday / 60 ) * -1 ) ) * PixelsPerMinute ) - _cellPadding;
      left = 0;
      programme.UIWidth = ( programme.Duration * PixelsPerMinute ) - _cellPadding;  // Multiply by zoom level which is 3 for now, and take off the amount we use for right margin grid separator
    Debug.Assert( programme.UIWidth > 0 );

    programme.UITop = channel.SortIndex * ( _rowHeight + _cellPadding );
    programme.UILeft = left;
    programme.UIHeight = _rowHeight;

    object[] invokeArgs = new object[ 1 ];
    invokeArgs[ 0 ] = programme;

    // Do as much work as possible in the thread before dispatching to the UI thread for the simple UI work
    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new InvokeProgrammeCellDelegate( AddProgrammeCellDelegate ), invokeArgs );

public delegate void InvokeProgrammeCellDelegate( Programme prog );
public void AddProgrammeCellDelegate( Programme prog )
  Rectangle progCell = new Rectangle();
  progCell.Fill = new SolidColorBrush( Color.FromArgb( 0xFF, (byte)( 0x13 ), (byte)( 0x45 ), (byte)( 0x70 ) ) );
  progCell.Height = prog.UIHeight;
  progCell.Width = prog.UIWidth;

  progCell.SetValue( Canvas.TopProperty, prog.UITop );
  progCell.SetValue( Canvas.LeftProperty, prog.UILeft );

  ProgGrid.Children.Add( progCell );
  ProgGrid.Width = Math.Max( ProgGrid.Width, prog.UIWidth + prog.UILeft );



  1. Only load small chunks of data at once (like, for example, two pages. This will greatly decrease the amount of data being rendered simultaneously). Then you can load the next chunk either immediately or when the user scrolls at the end of the list.
  2. Speed down the result processing. If you wait 100ms after inserting each item (or 1 second after each channel, if you want to have the channel loaded at once), the impact on responsiveness should be almost gone while having no too large impact on loading time. The times mentioned are only estimates, if they are too large/small feel free to adjust them according too your needs to provide a smooth user experience.


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