I can t find a really intuitive way of doing the most basic thing; creating a summary table with my base variables. The best method I ve found is currently using tapply:
my_stats <- function(x){
if (is.factor(x)){
a <- table(x, useNA="no")
b <- round(a*100/sum(a),2)
# If binary
if (length(a) == 2){
ret <- paste(a[1], " (", b[1], " %)", sep="")
ret <- mean(x, na.rm=T)
if (ret < 1){
ret <- round(ret, 2)
ret <- round(ret)
groups <- factor(sample(c("Group A","Group B"), size=51, replace=T))
a <- 3:53
b <- rnorm(51)
c <- factor(sample(c("male","female"), size=51, replace=T))
res <- rbind(a=tapply(a, groups, my_stats),
b=tapply(b, groups, my_stats),
c=tapply(c, groups, my_stats))
The res contains:
> res
Group A Group B
a "28" "28"
b "-0.08" "-0.21"
c "14 (56 %)" "14 (53.85 %)"
Now this works but it seems very complex and not the most elegant solution. I ve tried to search for how to create descriptive tables but the all focus on the table(), prop.table(), summary() for just single variable or variables of the same kind.
我的问题是: 是否有一揽子方案/功能,能够轻松地建立一个看好的晚餐桌? 如果是,请说明如何取得上述结果。