您是否经历过一种情况,即C++的开放式申请在视觉演播室执行时速度更快、更顺利? 在不夸张的情况下,当我执行时,每20-30个框架中,有50个而不是80个,有奇怪的滞后,就有大约25个框架。 是否有办法解决这一问题?
Edit: Also we are using quite many display lists (created with glNewList). And increasing the number of display lists seem to increase lagging.
Edit: The problem seems to be caused by page faults. Adjusting process working set with SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx() doesn t help.
Edit: With some large models the problem is easy to spot with procexp-utility s GPU-memory usage. Memory usage is very unstable when there are many glCallList-calls per frame. No new geometry is added, no textures loaded, but gpu-memory-allocation fluctuates +-20 Mbytes. After a while it becomes even worse, and may allocate something like 150Mb in one go.