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原标题:Advice needed regarding GPGPU library


two dimensional float initialData and result arrays
for each cell (a, b) in result array:
    for each cell (i, j) in initialData:
        result(a, b) += someComputation(initialData(i, j), a, b, i, j, some global data...);


  • I d like to make the first loop s iterations to run concurrently (perhaps there is better approach?)
  • Initial data is accessed in read-only way
  • someComputation is fairly simple, it involves multiplication, addition, cosine computing, so it could be accomplished by GPU, however, it needs the indexes of elements it is currently working on
  • Arrays won t exceed ~4000 in any dimension


  • Program is going to be written in C# (with WPF), so it would be nice if it (already) had easy-to-use .NET bindings
  • If there is no GPU found, algorithm should run on CPU
  • Program is going to be Windows-only and Windows XP support is highly preferable.
  • Algorithm can be rewritten in OpenCL, however, I believe it is not as widely supported as pixel shaders. But, if there are no alternatives, OpenCL would be fine. (AFAIK CUDA runs only on nVidia GPU s and OpenCL covers both nVidia s and AMD s GPU s)

I have tried to look at Microsoft Accelerator library, but I haven t found a way to pass in array indexes. Any help would be apprectiated and excuse me for my english.


There is low-level OpenCL bindings: OpenCL.NET: http://openclnet.codeplex.com/. Also, exists OpenCL.NET based bindings for F#: https://github.com/YaccConstructor/Brahma.FSharp

它允许你通过开放式法律在万国邮联上写“本国”F#代码。 例如,矩阵重复法(没有供应商配置):

//Code for run on GPU
let command = 
        fun (r:_2D) columns (a:array<_>) (b:array<_>) (c:array<_>) -> 
            let tx = r.GlobalID0
            let ty = r.GlobalID1
            let mutable buf = c.[ty * columns + tx]
            for k in 0 .. columns - 1 do
                buf <- buf + (a.[ty * columns + k] * b.[k * columns + tx])
            c.[ty * columns + tx] <- buf

//compile code and configure kernel
let kernel, kernelPrepare, kernelRun = provider.Compile command
let d =(new _2D(rows, columns, localWorkSize, localWorkSize))
kernelPrepare d columns aValues bValues cParallel
//run computations on GPU
let _ = commandQueue.Add(kernelRun()).Finish()            

//read result back
let _ = commandQueue.Add(cParallel.ToHost(kernel)).Finish()

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