我在制作中提出一种应用,既可发挥网络作用,又可发挥网络作用,将全球合作框架服务作为应用层面(业务逻辑、数据获取等)。 网络层在内部端点与世界合作框架层进行沟通,因为此时此刻我们不想暴露这些服务。 因此,这意味着不可能使用负荷平衡器把我的服务层划为单程。
So I have to load balance requests to the WCF web roles manually. This has caused problems in the past when a machine has been recycled by the fabric controller for patching.
I m handling the RoleEnvironment.Changing and RoleEnvironment.Changed events to adjust the list of backend web roles I am communicating with, which works well in testing when I make a configuration change to increase or decrease the number of instances in my deployment. But if I reboot a role through the portal, this does not fire the RoleEnvironment events.
Thanks, Rob