我有一个老板的吉苏奇装置,现在很显然,它没有回来。 我想从存放处收回(主要是维基的重新拥有)。 我不想重复建立吉 Git主义的漫长而痛苦的进程,而只是要让一些维基人撤出......事实上,我很想很快清理旧的装置(去除)。 虽然它正在运行,但它是一件难事!
I was attempting to setup git-daemon (I m on a Linux (ubuntu) setup), but I am not having much luck. I was hopeful that maybe I could just copy the foo.git file somewhere and clone it.
目前,我的.git档案有用户盒。 但我不敢肯定如何做到这一点。
I have git daemon running, but it hangs up unexpectedly if I try to connect via localhost , all the repos also have my export-ok file in them too. I can connect accross my LAN and clone any other git initialized directory via ssh, could that help me?
我能否仅复制 f(更像1 f13f9ed412591ce72f7b3cb793605e93ce.git)档案,以便可能成为一种诱发的背书并在那里工作? 是否有特惠工具,我可以用来扩大.。 “设计”——我确信Gite是正确的工具?