English 中文(简体)
原标题:Is this safe from sql injection?
  • 时间:2012-01-14 00:35:44
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • asp.net


Could someone use injection on any of the variables? Aside from a stored procedure is there a simple way to protect against injection via code?

string whereClause = "WHERE " + filter.ToString() + " > " + nextStartPoint;
string orderBy = "ORDER BY " + filter.ToString() + " DESC";   


string sql = "SELECT TOP(" + numItemsToGet + ") * " +
                                 "FROM Items " +
                                  whereClause + " " +


过滤器。 缩略语

我对以下工作感到惊讶(部分工作)。 我还认为,你必须参考一栏名称,并注明精度参数。

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Count", 10);

                    string sql = "SELECT TOP(@Count) * " +

是的,这无疑会受到注射。 如果用户控制<条码>过滤器/代码>参数,那么用户便很容易在你的发言中注入正文。

The simplest way to prevent an injection attack is to use SqlCommand to build up your command. It s designed to help prevent such attacks and will take the appropriate steps to protect your input


如果你只有一套有限的过滤器,那么你可以采用这样的方法,但这是一种多少含蓄的做法。 d 我建议使用其他工具,如OR地图仪。


select  *
from Items
        @ColumnANextStartPoint is null
        or ColumnA > @ColumnANextStartPoint
    ) and (
        @ColumnBNextStartPoint is null
        or ColumnB > @ColumnBNextStartPoint
    ) and (
        @ColumnCNextStartPoint is null
        or ColumnC > @ColumnCNextStartPoint
order by
    case @ColumnANextStartPoint when null then null else ColumnA end DESC,
    case @ColumnBNextStartPoint when null then null else ColumnB end DESC,
    case @ColumnCNextStartPoint when null then null else ColumnC end DESC

*My apologies, this code is untested.


 SqlConnection someConnection = new SqlConnection(connection);
 SqlCommand someCommand = new SqlCommand();
 someCommand.Connection = someConnection;

    "@username", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = name;
    "@password", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = password;
 someCommand.CommandText = "SELECT AccountNumber FROM Users " + 
    "WHERE Username=@username AND Password=@password";

 object accountNumber = someCommand.ExecuteScalar();

There isn t enough information about the nature of filter and its string representations to rule it out. Possibly it s 100% safe because none of its possible values can cause injection, but possibly it s 100% unsafe because it s really easy to inject through it.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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