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原标题:Typoscript IMAGE object: disable height/width attributes


UPDATE (Thanks to cascaval)!

解决办法是利用IMG_RESOURCE而不是IMAGE。 这显然没有什么传闻,但却使你完全控制了生成的形象。

   10.file.import = uploads/tx_templavoila/
   10.file.import.current = 1
   10.file.import.listNum = 0
   10.stdWrap.required = 1
   10.stdWrap.wrap (
      <img src="|" />



<>No,但可使用http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/viss/doc_core_tsref/4.5.1/view/1/7/#id2633654” rel=“noreferer” IMG_RESOURCEect, 并总结由此形成的图像途径,以便你获得你希望的超文本标签。 例:

temp.image_test = IMG_RESOURCE
temp.image_test {
  stdWrap.wrap = <img src="|" />
  file {
    format = jpg
    quality = 90
    maxWidth = 9999
    maxHeight = 9999
    XY = [10.w],[10.h]

    10 = IMAGE
    10.file {
      import = uploads/pics/
      import.field = image
      import.listNum = 0

    20 = SCALE
    20 {
      width = 200

!! 它还与IMAGE合作:

10 = IMAGE
10 {
    file = path/to/image.file
    stdWrap.replacement {
        10 {
            search = # width="[0-9]*?"#i
            replace = 
            useRegExp = 1
        20 {
            search = # height="[0-9]*?"#i
            replace = 
            useRegExp = 1

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