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TYPO3: getTypoLink_URL alternative (generating url aliases)
  • 时间:2009-11-19 11:20:09
  •  标签:
  • typo3

Is there an alternative way of getting the URL to a page (by id) apart from using cObj->getTypoLink_URL?

I m trying to create URL aliases, so a page can have multiple URLs (for example "/about" could actually point to "/corporate/home/about").

I m currently hooking into realurl s hook decodeSpURL_preProc, but TSFE and cObj are not initialised at that point therefore calling cObj->getTypoLink_URL doesn t work.

I should add that the url alias should not redirect to the original url.


If you create RealURL aliases("Redirects"), you can create a database query that fetchs the url aliases, you have created.

Have a look in the realurl redirects table.


just use the folowing code to generate the link.

You might want to load localconf.php.

class Devlib {

    static function _link($id,$urlParameters=  ,$target=  ) {
        $cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance( tslib_cObj );
        return $cObj->getTypoLink_URL($id,$urlParameters,$target);      

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