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通过Ajax员额处理安全储蓄的最佳做法,如p.net MVC 3
原标题:Best practise for handling secure saving through Ajax posts asp.net MVC 3

I am working on a Asp.Net MVC 3/knockout.js site for several users where they can save information about their websites Here is a simple version of the model

string Id
string Name
string Url
string Description








You should use authentication. Decorate the action that will perform the update with the Authorize attribute. This will ensure that the user that is sending the AJAX request is authenticated, and he cannot change his username. Then you will check in your database if the id of the site he is trying to update belongs to him. You will of course have a table that will contain the mapping between users and sites.

如果用户拖网点贴出并贴出某个地点的某些价值,则控制者采取行动时将发现该点,以核实某个地点是否属于某一用户名称。 他不能篡改其用户名称,因为其储存在加密认证库中,当然除非他有不同的用户名,在这种情况下他已经知道密码。



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