English 中文(简体)
原标题:reading data from txt file in fortran

我正在撰写一份通辑节目,读到文本档案中的数据,并写给青少年。 数据档案中的情况就是如此。

1234567890123456 123456.789 987654.321 673647.890 654356.890
6172876534567890 768909.098 234543.890 654321.908 987890.090


 OPEN(1,FILE= data.txt )
    READ(1, (I16,3F9.3) ) A ,B, C, D
    WRITE (*,  (I16,3F9.3) ) A,B,C,D


1234567890123456*********89987.656    0.322
6172876534567890*********98234.547    0.891




清单导向的IO(即*)更容易,特别是在投入方面。 然而,有时会充分利用国际独立实体的控制权,从而值得理解。 在投入方面,数据项目和说明必须按栏分列。 就投入而言,在Fw.d,如果你在数据项目中有点正确点,那么 matter就没有问题了。 这些领域在投入和产出方面必须足够广泛。 需要足够说明,其类型与变量和数据项目相匹配。 比较这一实例方案:

program test_read

   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: VLI_K = selected_int_kind (18)
   integer, parameter :: DR_K = selected_real_kind (14)

   integer (VLI_K) :: i
   real (DR_K) :: a, b, c, d

   open (unit=15, file="data.txt", status= old ,    &
             access= sequential , form= formatted , action= read  )

   read (15, 110)  i, a, b, c, d
   110 format (I16, 4(1X, F10.0) )
   write (*, 120) i, a, b, c, d
   120 format ( I18, 4 (2X, F12.3) )

   read (15, *) i, a, b, c, d
   write (*, 120) i, a, b, c, d

end program test_read

I had the hardest time ever trying to use read, but finally... If you want to read a matrix stored in a .txt file use this:


   real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x
   integer :: n,m

   open (unit=99, file= array.txt , status= old , action= read )
   read(99, *), n
   read(99, *), m

   do I=1,n,1
      read(99,*) x(I,:)
      write(*,*) x(I,:)



0.0 1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0 5.0
6.0 7.0 8.0
9.0 10.0 11.0

Hope it works for everyone out there

Slight change to the Andrés Argüello Guillén questionnaire.


CHARACTER(128) :: buffer

integer strlen, rows, cols
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x

OPEN (1, file =  matrix.txt , status= old , action= read )

!Count the number of columns

read(1, (a) ) buffer !read first line WITH SPACES INCLUDED
REWIND(1) !Get back to the file beginning

strlen = len(buffer) !Find the REAL length of a string read
do while (buffer(strlen:strlen) ==    ) 
  strlen = strlen - 1 

cols=0 !Count the number of spaces in the first line
do i=0,strlen
  if (buffer(i:i) ==    ) then

cols = cols+1

!Count the number of rows

rows = 0 !Count the number of lines in a file
  IF (io/=0) EXIT
  rows = rows + 1


print*,  Number of rows: , rows
print*,  Number of columns: , cols


do I=1,rows,1
  read(1,*) x(I,:)
  write(*,*) x(I,:)



0.0 1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0 5.0
6.0 7.0 8.0

I used fixed format because the editing and inspecting of input files having fixed column structure is easier than that of zigzag data. My problem was how the Fortran run-time reader procedures interpret the presence and absence of decimal dots. I am not sure that my solution was the best but I read the data lines as character arrays, split them to fields having length 12 characters then I read the fields by read(*) statements.

The reason is that you re specifying a width that is too small for the real numbers. Usually when the width doesn t fit, fortran will display asterisks, which happens in your case.

You have 9 digits, but you ll need at least 10, since the comma takes up a column as well. So replacing 3F9.3 with 3F10.3 should do the trick.

通常最好用非固定格式阅读数据。 离开某些主要空间,以便数字在书写时能够合适。

integer(8) :: i
real(4) :: x, y, z
open(unit=1, file= data.txt )
read(1,*)i, x, y, z
write(*, (i16, 3f11.3) )i, x, y, z

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